Do you have Enough Capital Reserves for the Impending Imbalance?


We recently had the pleasure of providing much-needed business funding to a US manufacturing company that needed capital quickly. Alternative Funding Group is passionate about helping businesses survive and thrive again by providing business funding so they can obtain the capital reserves needed. This manufacturing facility had purchased the raw materials necessary to produce products using a large amount of their working capital. While stocking up on the raw materials was a wise decision in the current climate, letting go of their working capital while waiting on receivables and paying vendors created a cash flow issue. 

Have you considered if you have enough capital reserves to make it through the impending imbalance?

We provide business funding to small and medium companies to help them grow. Recently, we’ve found ourselves helping businesses create a capital reserve. With so much uncertainty surrounding us, it simply makes sense to be prepared for anything with ample business funding so you can overcome as many obstacles as possible to keep your business afloat and thriving.


Like many people bulk up on supplies at the grocery store such as toilet paper, this manufacturing business chose to bulk up on their in-demand supplies so they would have the raw materials on hand to continue producing as they continued to hear rumors, receive warnings of lack of supplies, shipments from out of the country suppliers slowing down and experienced real issues in distribution and logistics. Unfortunately, this is happening to an undermined number of companies of all sizes and in various industries throughout the United States.  

Trucker Freedom Convoy 2022 

There are convoys and protests with thousands of truckers protesting for freedom, opposing vaccine mandates, and standing for freedom of health, in Ottawa, Canada, and other countries around the world, and more being arranged and scheduled. Their first social media page of 200,000 members was shut down, and they’ve created another one and know it will be censored and shut down too in a matter of time. However, the organizers of the convoy are using other platforms including (telegraph and gab) to exercise their freedoms, share their message, opinions, and be heard without being censored and blocked from a social platform. 

The Ripple Effects

Whether you agree with their cause or not, this is creating a supply chain problem that will impact companies globally. There will be ripple effects on supplies and chain reactions to businesses because of many truckers standing up and speaking out for freedom. The trucking industry in the US alone accounts for transporting approximately 70 percent of all goods and employees about 8 million workers in trucking or trucking-related jobs. Nearly every single good in the US has been on a truck before reaching its destination. 

Are you prepared for the uncertainty as well as you can be?

Without small, medium, and large trucking companies, we will not have products to operate a business. The economy cannot thrive without receiving goods. The growing trucking industry was already experiencing a lack of workers. As people come together against what they believe is tyranny and trucks aren’t moving, there will be an increased supply chain breakdown that could impact supplies and cause you to use your working capital. We want to help you be sure to have your capital reserves ready by providing business funding customized to your specific circumstances.

Hold On With Capital Reserves

The trucker convoy is expanding with more onlookers in support physically, and on social media. Farmers are also joining in, and more countries are getting involved and planning their own organized protest to stand up for freedom. There’s no doubt, the ripple effect is going to be felt.

There are already major cities enforcing that restaurants and venues comply with requiring medical information to provide service to their customers. If these restaurants and venues do not comply and are caught or reported, they are shut down, the doors are closed, and how can the business overcome this obstacle? 

Walking into tough situations with plenty of capital on hand is hard enough. Being forced to journey through it with a lack of capital reserves could be even more catastrophic. Having ample capital in this situation could help you survive and see where things are next year. Don’t give up; hold onto hope and get some emergency funds built into your capital reserves by getting fast business funding. 

Business Funding Solutions

Alternative Funding is a direct lender and national leader in business funding and we’re here to help. We understand the hard work, effort, time, money, and energy you’ve invested in being a business owner. We are providing fast business funding solutions to businesses during this time to increase your cash flow and get capital quickly to have a capital reserve established that you can use for an emergency, or to maintain and overcome obstacles. Reach out today and let’s see what fast business funding solution is best for you as we journey forward.

Published On: February 4, 2022
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